The Final Whistle. The Dagger Blog of Blissett GW..12-06.2009
Is This week Sponsored by the IPHONE 3GS!! Why don’t they launch it just after i get one!(oh they did)
In this Weeks Limited Kebab edition-
The Dagger Report- Winds of change at the CCS Arena
The Lobbyists- A welcome return to the banter from the lobby
The Rags- Our usual top shelf look at the Press..it’s all `Real` you know!
The Toni Report- From the Boardroom at the Daggers Stadium..Toni`s thoughts on the world
The Dagger Report- With Ted Bovis..Hi-De-HI!
Swiss Toni and Jesse`s Love affair with Pardo and CO finally came to an end last Sunday afternoon as winds of change swept through the CCS arena as the old guard was wiped away and a steady airport moving walkway was installed and near on 40 brand new kids were ushered into the Holiday complex newly built near the Daggers Training complex..well i say complex..its more of a bit of grass with an old brick built changing room with shower where tramps piss and you can knock your boots off on those brush things attached to the walls and where the windows are slightly yellow with green mold on..nice tho. The start of the season loomed and these lads were itching to get on with developing into the best group of kids the world have ever seen....ive joined the managers who constantly scour the markets for that elusive 5 star player!! Although im sure all teams will gladly play the daggers kids at senior level...be afraid..the daggers kids are getting better! See you in a few seasons!! Ted.
The Lobbyists
The funny bits from the lobby this week!
Sam Worger says: (16:34:48) I can tell if there going to be a superstar when there in the womb!
Jim _: says: (16:35:41) Ah man my cat just put her foot in my coffee
Sam Worger says: (16:42:17) the wage auctions are like airports, you go in with your bag packed with great players, and when you arrive at the end BA have lost your baggage
Gary Harrison says: (16:45:02)I still can’t believe u don’t get square sausage in England....UN believable
Ross Allan says: (16:39:51)
A moderator said to me what part of don’t swear don’t you understand I said well would you believe me if I suffered from dyslexia
The Rags
A quick look at what’s happening in the world with our usual dip into the daily rags and blah!
This Week`s top 5..
Things to ask yourself before spending £80m on a footballer...
5.Tell me, why is the western world so hated?
4.Whats our motivation: the acquisition of a rare talent, or the thought of sir Alex Ferguson going absolutely mental?
3.Can he give the same qualities as he did at man utd: Grit gile and the ability to be a complete git
2.Have Denilson,Crespo,Veron and Shevchenko not taught us that big money signings do not always work?
1.From Fransico Franco to Ronaldo-What is it about real Madrid and deplorable right wingers
Ronaldo spent Wednesday night with Paris Hilton: OR as the union is now know, ORANGE Wednesday.
RONALDO AND PARIS? Well they are both well known for going down easily
He`s Sulky self obsessed and strangely orange. But like him or or not, Phill Brown did a great job keeping Hull in the top flight.
Congratulations to Bob Crow and the striking tube workers! Because in future when we think of selfish, overpaid greedy whinging tossers we wont be thinking of footballers..Nice one.
I belong to jesus! “KAKA once trilled. Has football not had enough 3rd party ownership?
THE FA`s descision to reimburse England ticket due to the tube strike could cost them £1m. To cover the amount David Beckham will belch into a hanky and sell on ebay.
And Well done to man city for summing the club up yesterday. “yeah, We`ll hold the Gareth Barry press conference on Thursday morning. Quite news day=loads of coverage. Oh hang on i hear theres a spot of news from Madrid!
England coach Fabio Capello looks utterly appalled by his team's start in Almaty and he is in lively form on the bench, even appearing to brush against Stuart Pearce at one point. Steady on, Fabio. He's not called Psycho for nothing.
The Toni Report
From the boardroom of the Daggers Utd CCS Arena we find Swiss Toni in thoughtful mood..thats not a word you normally associate with the Daggers Director of football!
In just a little over 3 hours time the Gameworld will shudder at the prospect of a 16year old Mexican going for i would say atleast 50k wages...crazy stuff, makes the 80m Ronaldo deal look almost sensible. So which lucky manager will have a 16 year old on mega bucks? We shall see at just after midnight tonight. Its not right really is it? Well no but theres not really much choice unless you want to while the night away trudging through senior game after senior game..just becomes pointless..theres only every gonna be a handfull of managers who ever get to that elusive no1 spot..but does it matter? No not really, its about the community spirit and banter in the lobby...who are we kidding eh! Its a football management sim which is so highly addictive its caused a melt down on people lives...its caused FML managers to have a faster typing speed than some of the best typist in the world! Its the 2nd biggest cause now of obesity in the world with more food consumed the the EU food mountain...even pot noodle sales are up! TO those managers who don’t login anymore? What can i say...have you got anything else better not to do? Well yes you probably have, but you can’t just help having a little peak to see if your fiancés allow you to purchase a 2m super youth! We know who you are! “I HATE THIS GAME AND IM RUBBISH AT IT” sure you are!
Have a good week...keep it real..
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