THE FINAL WHISTLE- The final Say in a week of Football and FM Live.
The week’s Issue is sponsored by Setanta Sports.Show me the money!
In tonight’s action packed issue..
The Dagger Report- Ted Bovis and his youth camp.No tower blocks here!
Diccon Brown`s Training Tips- Tonight we go back to nature
The Rags- No top 5 tonight.Don’t do Korean gags.It’s not the done thing.
The Toni Report- From the Boardroom of the Daggers.Toni`s take on the week
The Final Thought...Just a Thought that’s all.
The Dagger Report
First we kick off with a report from Ted Bovis- Youth and First team coach of Daggers!
Its been a good week of development with these lads, the dressing rooms have been cleaned up, the mold has been removed from the shower tray and the tramp can now piss outside..simple as, there’s no room now for any slapdash changing rooms. This may have something to do with the demands of a certain young man from Mexico. The board went all out for this lad, bidding a meagre 50k wages for this lad...they finally landed the boy for 36k! But he`s gonna be great i tell you...he`s already a dab hand at the karaoke in the ballroom during the evening entertainment sessions. I’m a bit concerned though by the 60 inch plasma he had delivered from ARGO this week...its keeps the lads awake at night..Im also a bit concerned he may fall out of his bunk bed if he gets a bit carried away with the wii remote whilst playing fifa 09. But anyway how are the rest of the lads shaping up...very well..it’s been a good first season...bang in the goals and a few mishaps at the back..it’s all good learning for them...i just wish they’d be more careful when knocking 40 yard cross field passes across their 18 yard box..be careful lads!
Diccon`s training Tips:
Nature vs. Nurture
Well it's not in my nature to nurture so this week the lads are going back to nature.
Yellowstone Park style.
Defenders are training as foresters, practicing felling safely in the area, the mids are learning whittling to get their creativity going, the strikers are sent off hunting anyone without a brace when they get back gets shot and the keepers are off with the bears... well if they can cope with those one on ones...
The Rags
A look into the funnies from the daily rags in London...a few of the best ones from the real world of sport and football
North Korea qualified for World Cup 2010, where they will most likely exit at the group stages. OR, as the Korean press will report it: “KIM JONG Il Hat-trick inspires world cup glory”.
Sky player means you can watch the ashes on the computer at work. It’s great news for cricket lovers, who can follow the action. And better news for HR departments, as those pesky cutbacks are made a little easier “HOWIZEEEE”...well out of a job!
Amanda Holden was at ROYAL ASCOT on Tuesday, apparently she won. Its hard to tell as she tends to look startled most of the time
The IRAN football team showed support for Mir Hosseien Mousavi by wearing green armbands this week. England once showed comparable levels of unity when lampsy and wazza split a round of cristal.
Sheikh Hamden Bin Mohamed al Maktoum is under investigation for horse doping offences. Suspicions were aroused when the horse was found in its stable listening to early Genesis and laughing hysterically at the Queens hat.
Jenso Button says its his talent and not his car that is taking him to the formula 1 title. He has to be commended. Not for winning but for keeping a straight face when he said that.
And Finally, Chelseas Didier Drogba was this week banned from four Champions League games, meaning the only appalling acting and Tuesday and Wednesday evenings can be seen on Hollyoaks..for those that don’t know its a British Teen Soap thing!
The Toni Report
“Im currently the 3rd team in my gameworld and my stadium avg attendance was 45k. But my winger (one of my best player) get injured for 4 days so i stop to play official games.”
Ive lost 10k avg attendance during this period
“Wenger says to Fergie..sorry we cant play this week...fabregas isnt felling well and adebeyor has a nose bleed..can we make it the week after??”
“oh yeh sure...dont worry..i hope they feel better soon and to be honest tevez and rooney have the flu anyway.”
hang on you stopped playing Official games during the injury periods....WHY?? thats the game surely...alot of people do this..doesnt make sense to me..if this was FM08/09 you couldnt do it...this annoys alot of people..
"oh im not playing any games until all my players are fit and my team is in form"
rubbish...buy more players for your squad.
“It depends if you think that fml is a real simulator of football managing or not. I think its only fantasy football, thats why i want to play when my team is full fit and not when my team cant play with all my better players.”
This was the amusing conversation i had with some chap on the forums this week..ive just realised im doing it all wrong...so in that case if ANY of my players get injured or loose form thats it im not playing *stamps feet*
Rubbish its a football management sim where its more true to life than you think...clubs are snapping up young kids on crazy wages...WHY?? well every other mug does so i might as well...36k for a 16 year old..is that too much? Well not really..but is 200k a week for a diving over paid pre-maddonna who goes down well in the box but hacks a mean freekick..well dam right it is...thats just bonkers! And is anyone really worth £80m?? Hmmmmm....no but its like buying a house...if someone wants to give you 200k for your 3 bed semi in suburbia then you take it don’t you! Its the old its only ever gonna be worth what people are prepared to pay...so 80m seems reasonable to me...Fergie can pick up a few players for that and maybe pay for the lads to have a night out? Remember the last time you did that fergie!
To the second week of a new season and SEFA is going well for its maden season, England are out of the 20-20 cricket and England u21 have coasted into the semi`s where no doubt they`ll be sent packing after missing a few penalties.
FML this week...The usual 40 suspects trudging away from around 8pm and all the dual account maniacs will be doing battle in the Pro world on Tuesday...will Swiss Toni be making an appearance there? Maybe-maybe not...am i losing the will to live? Not yet!
The Final Thought
You know strange as it may seem..even football ultimately isnt that important in life..it’s meant to be entertainment..same as FML..if it’s not then time to take a break..Get laid more it helps a lot!
Have a good week
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