The Dagger Blog, Blissett Gamworld Edition
The week sponsored by The Job Centre Plus.
The Dagger Report- Today will mostly be with Jesse the Coach
The Diccon Brown Column- Training Methods from the Legend himself!
The Rags-A look into the real world and the end of the season
The Toni Report- booted again!
The Dagger blog is back after last week’s break because of world cup fever hitting the GW..With Toni Flying out to Mexico to take charge of a The Mexicans and taking them to a creditble Semi Final spot..Losing to Poland...but they did manage to beat the Brazilians!
The Dagger Report
The end of another AEFA season saw Daggers UTD relegated back to the championship...but fear not because the Board of the Daggers has decided to take the whole shabang to a new FA..SEFA!! SUPER! WHY i hear you cry...our maybe you don’t mind the team wanted to play more human v human games and 60 games a season is so much better than 40.and with the completion of the 22,000 all seater stadium complete oh i lied theres still 1 block of terracing for nostalga purposes .it just never seemed 40 games is never going to be enough...it promises to be an exciting time for all SEFA teams..with 36 signed up to date and a weekend push to fill it up..It will be the most active FA that’s for sure...so don’t delay join SEFA today! Ud have thought they’d pay me for all the advertising wouldn’t you?
The Diccon Brown Column
This week’s training Methods.
This week, after some poor form, my team have been sent back to school.
Strikers are studying geography, they cant find the net, let's see if they can even find what country they're in.
Keepers are taking shop, they've been relying on the woodwork so much they may as well learn how to use it properly.
The midfield are supervising the playground so they can learn to break up play.
And the defence are driving the school bus, hopefully they can learn to park it.
The Rags
A quick look at what’s happening in the world with our usual dip into the daily rags and blah blah blah!
This Week`s top 5..
....Jobs Tony Adams thinks he can do next.
5. Pop on a dress, and hey presto you`ve got yourself a new fern britton!
4.Be the architect of Celtics celebrations next season and drive the open top bus
3.Cheif senator to her highness queen Estrada, ruler of Zoltan 5 of the alpha nebula
2.Do to expense-fiddling MP`s what he did to that brick wall in 1990
1. Manager a well-know competitive outfit..The Runcorn branch of Tesco
* Tony Adams says he`s in the running for the Celtic job. Yes, the Scottish giants are bored of the perennial two-horse race and fancy a relegation battle
* Steve Bruce had managed clubs based in Huddersfield, Sheffield, Croydon, Wigan and now Sunderland. Bruce either A) wants to climb the managerial ladder; or B) Shares the same booking agent as bobby davro
* Bruce said he want to take Sunderland forward. That either means a top ten finish, or hot running water for everyone.
* Big brother is back! A group of desperate wannabes are thrown together and expected to survive in harmony whilst providing entertainment, even though the nation knows it will end in tears and despair. Rumour has it Mike Ashley is looking to buy the rights
*Susan Boyle fell short of the final of Britains got Talent Last week. An eccentric Scot who lairises opinion, got a bit for their britches ,does like the media, and bottle it on the big stage. On the bright side she`s being lined up as the next manager of Man Utd.
* Roberto Martinez returns to wigan as manager. When he last played for the latics he was the most exotic thing to come to the area since the introduction of the inside toilet.
And finally..I was going to write a gag regarding Australian Cricketer Andrew Symonds but I don’t wanna upset Myron.
The Toni Report
Ah..the toni report, now how can we survive a week without some edgy comment from the king of controversy..its a tricky one. Last week Toni was hauled before the FA committee and stripped once again of his chat helper status...the ever controversial, hard hitting coach of Daggers Utd was described this week as “a blunt instrument”...nice! probably true but never one to shy a way from controversy..although he has found that the IGNORE manager button works a bloody treat..i wonder how many use it on him...does he really care? Not really..its only a game! With the announcement this week of 3 more gameworld`s on route and one of them being a pro-world...will you be leaving? I hope not..many of us remember the Tom`s fiasco.. One final thought for anyone who is going to join the new pro world - GOOD LUCK! At first it may seem like a great idea to go and join 999 other pro-managers however I imagine the reality will be anything but. It will be worse than Toms ever was; a world jammed full of short-term thinking, glory hunting hoppers. JP will be abundant and prices will be astronomical from the start. It will be carnage. Granted there might be the odd exception but I'll bet a pound to a penny that this new gameworld will be an unqualified disaster, full of bitching and endless moaning and problems.
See you all in SEFA for some human on human fun!
Have a good one..
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